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  6. Maxima Bestier Tribulus 60 capsules
Discount 9% In stock
  • Tribulus terrestris 300mg
  • Zinc 2.4mg
Values per serving 1 capsule

Maxima Bestier Tribulus 60 capsules

Tribulus terrestris extract enriched with zinc.

Alavis Maxima Bestier Tribulus is a nutritional supplement with a high content of Tribulus terrestris plant extract standardized up to 40% protodioscin content (attached certificate of analysis). The added zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal blood testosterone levels in the blood, to correct protein synthesis and to the proper metabolism of macronutrients.

The Bundle contains 60 servings
Unit price (0,35 € / capsule)
SKU: BAR-6771
Discount -9%
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Alavis Maxima Bestier Tribulus - tribulus terrestris extract enriched with zinc

Alavis Maxima Bestier Tribulus is a nutritional supplement with a high content of Tribulus terrestris plant extract standardized up to 40% protodioscin content (attached certificate of analysis). The added zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal blood testosterone levels in the blood, to correct protein synthesis and to the proper metabolism of macronutrients.

Under current EU legislation, we must not provide more detailed information on herbs and plant products that could give the impression of the health or healing effect of herbs and plants. We must also not state the effects of herbs that have been proven by scientific research and studies, unless it is a drug registered by a pharmaceutical company.


  • up to 300 mg of Tribulus terrestris extract per serving
  • standardized to 40% protodioscin content (attached certificate of analysis)
  • enriched with zinc

Directions of use

Take 1 capsule once a day. Wash down with plenty of water.

Ratings and Reviews

Very Good
  • Extremely Good 4 x
  • Very Good 0 x
  • Good 2 x
  • Not Bad 0 x
  • Bad 1 x
Sebastián  A year ago
Extremely Good
I have tried many brands but this bestie is the strongest. I am satisfied.
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Vyskúšal som mnohé značky, ale tento bestier je najsilnejší. Som spokojný.
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Ivan  3 years ago
Extremely Good
I feel much better after taking it
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po užívání se cítím o dost lépe
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Verified Purchase
Petr  3 years ago
So far, I have been using it for fourteen days, so far no change, but I understand that it takes more time.
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Zatím užívám čtrnáct dní, zatím žádná změna,ale chápu že to chce víc času.
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Adam  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Alavis brand is not about anything :)
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Alavis značka niet o čom :)
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Not verified customer
Peter  3 years ago
Extremely Good
It is the strongest Tribulus on the market. I already had all the brands, but ALAVIS MAXIMA Tribulus writes the most. For two weeks I took the loading phase 3 capsules a day. One in the morning and 2 in the evening. I'll tell you it will blow your mind :D
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Je to najsilnejší Tribulus na trhu. Mal som už všetky značky ale ALAVIS MAXIMA Tribulus je píše najviac. Dva týždne som si dal nabíjaciu fázu 3 kaps denne. Jednu ráno a 2 večer. Poviem vám, že vám vystrelí dekel :D
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Not verified customer
Ľuboslav  3 years ago
No positive effects yet
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Zatiaľ žiadné pozitívne účinky
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Verified Purchase
Petr  3 years ago
I don't feel like he's doing anything he promises to do. I'm not damning him completely, but next time I'd try another tribulus.
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Nemám pocit, že by dělal něco z toho co slibuje, že dělat bude. Úplně ho nezatracuji, ale příště bych zkusil jiný tribulus.
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Verified Purchase

Directions of use

Take 1 capsule once a day. Wash down with plenty of water.

Supplement Facts

60 capsules unflavoured
One serving size: 1 capsule
Servings per container: 60
Nutrition Information Per Serving (1 capsule) 100 g RI%*
Energy 0 kJ / 0 kcal 0 kJ / 0 kcal **
Fat 0 Mr 0 Mr **
Carbohydrates 0 Mr 0 Mr **
Protein 0 Mr 0 Mr **
Tribulus terrestris L. extract from dried fruits (standardized to min. 40% protodioscin) 300 mg 0 mg **
of which protodioscin 120 mg 0 mg **
Zinc 2.4 mg 0 mg 24%
* Reference intake of average adult (8400 kj/ 2000 kcal)
** RI is not determined
Tribulus terrestris L. (Tribulus terrestris L.) dried fruit extract (standardized to min. 40% protodioscin), bulking agent (modified corn starch), anti-caking agents (magnesium stearate, calcium phosphate, talc), zinc (zinc gluconate), capsule wrapper (bulking agent (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), colouring agents (iron oxides, titanium dioxide)).
Allergen Information
Does not contain allergens.

Keep in a cool, dry place under 25 °C, out of reach of children. Not suitable for children, for pregnant women, for nursing women. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Buying options

Alavis Maxima Bestier Tribulus 60 capsules
Contains 60 servings
Unit price (0,35 € / capsule)
In stock
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