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  6. Black Blood NOX+ 19 g
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  • Beta-alanine 2g
  • Citrulline 1.25g
  • AAKG (L-arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate) 2g
Values per serving 9.5 g

BioTech USA
Black Blood NOX+ 19 g

Radical pre-workout formula with an extreme nox complex.

A booster which contains huge dosages of everything that’s needed for effective workout. You may never have seen these active ingredients in such a combination and quantity before. This product was specifically designed for those whose body has already got used to the average, whose great daily stress make it hard for them to forget about worries and troubles, and those who are losing their motivation and attraction to weights.

The Bundle contains 2 servings
Unit price (131,58 € / kg)
SKU: BIT-5711
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Estimated delivery Thursday 3. 4.
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BioTech USA Black Blood NOX+ - radical pre-workout formula with an extreme nox complex

Black Blood NOX+ is a booster which contains huge dosages of everything that’s needed for effective workout. You may never have seen these active ingredients in such a combination and quantity before. This product was specifically designed for those whose body has already got used to the average, whose great daily stress make it hard for them to forget about worries and troubles, and those who are losing their motivation and attraction to weights. Black Blood NOX+ brings back the fire that makes you work out harder and harder, and go and do it all over again. There will be no chatting, no hanging around in the gym. Only the bars and weights, power, performance, concentration and improvement.


  • radical pre-workout with extreme effects
  • contains only highly dosed scientifically verified ingredients
  • maximizes muscle pumps and performance
  • delivers unbound energy that lasts long
  • increases strength and focus
  • suppresses fatigue

Black Blood NOX+ is a complex high-caffeine formula with active ingredients designed to contribute to the production of nitrogen monoxide and carnosine. Calcium, niacin and vitamin B6 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolic processes, and niacin and vitamin B6 also contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism, and calcium contributes to normal muscle function.

Due to its content of 10,500mg Beta-alanine, AAKG and L-citrulline malate, Black Blood NOX+ is recommended to those who want to be unstoppable at the gym.

You’ve tried all the pre-workout boosters and none of them seemed to work? Do you want to try something really effective? Something that makes you motivated again to tear those weights apart? Something to make you concentrate on training like never before? Drink up a shot of Black BloodNOX+ and hit the iron!

Who is Black Blood NOX+ recommended to?

  • hardcore bodybuilders
  • combat athletes during the preparatory phase
  • those who want a carb-free pre-workout supplement
  • those who prefer powder supplements
  • also for strength and endurance sports

Directions of use

Mix 2x1 servings (2x9,5 g = 2x 1/2 measuring spoon) of powder with 2x100 ml water. Use a shaker for mixing. Drink 1 serving 15 minutes before workout and 1 serving during workout.

Ratings and Reviews

Very Good
  • Extremely Good 8 x
  • Very Good 4 x
  • Good 3 x
  • Not Bad 0 x
  • Bad 2 x
The best rated flavour is Blueberry-lime (2 votes)
Alexandra  10 months ago
Sorry, but I didn't like this flavor at all 🥺 it made me sick.
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Prepáčte ale mne vôbec nechutila táto príchuť 🥺 bolo mi z nej zle.
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Verified Purchase
  • 3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5 Tropical fruits
Adrián  10 months ago
It tastes like plastic, you can't drink it and it won't dissolve. The worst pre-workout I've ever had.
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Chutí ako plast, nedá sa piť a je nerozpustí. Najhoršia predtreningovka akú som mal.
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Not verified customer
  • 1 out of 5 stars 1 / 5 Tropical fruits
Csaba  A year ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Tropical fruits
Frederik  2 years ago
Taste and effect was mediocre, texture however was awful, it was thick and viscous
Not verified customer
  • 3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5 Ruby-berry
Michal  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Probably the preworkout I've had, and there were a lot of them ... the only thing that could be compared to that was some pear sample from Scitec - BigBang, which I once got random and I can't find it. It doesn't dissolve much, but just mix a little longer and you're OK.
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Asi naj preworkout aký som mal, a bolo ich hodne... jediné čo by šlo k tomu prirovnať bola nejaká hrušková vzorka od Scitecu - BigBang čo som kedysi random dostal a neviem ju nájsť. Rozpúšťa sa to síce nič moc, ale stačí trošku dlhšie pomiešať a ste OK.
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Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Bloody orange
Martin  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Bloody orange
Kristína  3 years ago
A little weaker compared to the version with more caffeine, however, it takes over a person and at least you can fall asleep in the evening anyway. The taste of tropical fruit is not good, it can be drunk but it is as if you drank poorly flavored thin fruit yogurt. Next time I'll try a different flavor.
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Trochu slabšie oproti verzii s viac kofeinom ale preberie človeka a aspoň sa dá ponej večer ako tak zaspať. Príchuť tropicke ovocie nie je dobrá, dá sa piť ale je to ako keby ste pili zle ochuteny riedši ovocny jogurt. Nabudúce skúsim inú príchuť.
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Verified Purchase
  • 2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5 Tropical fruits
Dalibor  4 years ago
I don't feel any difference !!!
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Necítim žiadny rozdiel!!!
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Verified Purchase
  • 2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5 Tropical fruits
Milan  4 years ago
Extremely Good
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This text was automatically translated -
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Blueberry-lime

Directions of use

Mix 2x1 servings (2x9,5 g = 2x 1/2 measuring spoon) of powder with 2x100 ml water. Use a shaker for mixing. Drink 1 serving 15 minutes before workout and 1 serving during workout.

Supplement Facts

19 g blueberry-lime
Serving size: 9.5 g
Servings per container: 2
Nutrition Information Per Serving (9.5 g) 100 g RI% *
Energy 13 kJ / 3 kcal 132 kJ / 31.58 kcal **
Fat <0.5 g 0 g **
of which saturated <0.5 g 0 g **
Carbohydrates <0.5 g 0 g **
of which sugars <0.5 g 0 g **
Protein 0 g 0 g **
Salt 0.02 g 0.21 g **
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1.22 mg 12.84 mg 110.9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 5 mg 52.63 mg 31.3%
Vitamin B6 1.24 mg 13.05 mg 88.6%
Vitamin C 225 mg 2368.35 mg 281.3%
Citrulline malate (1: 1) 1250 mg 13157.5 mg **
AAKG (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate) 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Beta alanine 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Caffeine 150 mg 1578.9 mg **
Creatine mixture 2613 mg 27504.44 mg **
of which creatine 1500 mg 15789 mg **
L-tyrosine 300 mg 3157.8 mg **
* Reference intake of average adult (8400 kj/ 2000 kcal)
** RI not specified
Black Blood NOX Complex 55.5% [L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, beta-alanine, citrulline malate (L-citrulline, malic acid)], Creatine Complex 27.5% [micronized creatine monohydrate, buffered creatine (micronized creatine monohydrate) , magnesium oxide), creatine citrate (micronized creatine monohydrate, calcium salts of citric acid)], thickener (xanthan gum), L-tyrosine, anti-caking agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids, silica), L-ascorbic acid, flavors, caffeine 1 , 57%, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), Vitamin B Complex (nicotinic acid, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride), colorant (E151).
Allergen Information
It does not contain allergens.

Keep in a cool, dry place under 25 °C, out of reach of children. Not suitable for children, for pregnant women, for nursing women. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

19 g ruby-berry
Serving size: 9.5 g
Servings per container: 2
Nutrition Information Per Serving (9.5 g) 100 g RI% *
Energy 13 kJ / 3 kcal 132 kJ / 31.58 kcal **
Fat <0.5 g 0 g **
of which saturated <0.5 g 0 g **
Carbohydrates <0.5 g 0 g **
of which sugars <0.5 g 0 g **
Protein 0 g 0 g **
Salt 0.02 g 0.21 g **
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1.22 mg 12.84 mg 110.9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 5 mg 52.63 mg 31.3%
Vitamin B6 1.24 mg 13.05 mg 88.6%
Vitamin C 225 mg 2368.35 mg 281.3%
Citrulline malate (1: 1) 1250 mg 13157.5 mg **
AAKG (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate) 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Beta alanine 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Caffeine 150 mg 1578.9 mg **
Creatine mixture 2613 mg 27504.44 mg **
of which creatine 1500 mg 15789 mg **
L-tyrosine 300 mg 3157.8 mg **
* Reference intake of average adult (8400 kj/ 2000 kcal)
** RI not specified
Black Blood NOX Complex 55.5% [L-Arginine alpha ketoglu-tarate, Beta-Alanine, Citrulline malate (L-citrulline, malic acid)],Creatine Complex 27.5% [micronized creatine monohydrate,creatine citrate (micronized creatine monohydrate, calcium salts of citric acid), buffered creatine monohydrate (micronizedcreatine monohydrate, magnesium oxide)], thickener (xanthangum), L-Tyrosine, flavourings, anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fattyacids, silicon dioxide), L-ascorbic acid, caffeine1.57%, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), salt, Vitamin B Complex (nicotinic acid, thiamin mononitrate, pyridoxine hy-drochloride), colour (E129).
Allergen Information
It does not contain allergens.

Keep in a cool, dry place under 25 °C, out of reach of children. Not suitable for children, for pregnant women, for nursing women. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

19 g tropical fruits
Serving size: 9.5 g
Servings per container: 2
Nutrition Information Per Serving (9.5 g) 100 g RI% *
Energy 13 kJ / 3 kcal 132 kJ / 31.58 kcal **
Fat <0.5 g 0 g **
of which saturated <0.5 g 0 g **
Carbohydrates <0.5 g 0 g **
of which sugars <0.5 g 0 g **
Protein 0 g 0 g **
Salt 0.02 g 0.21 g **
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 1.22 mg 12.84 mg 110.9%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 5 mg 52.63 mg 31.3%
Vitamin B6 1.24 mg 13.05 mg 88.6%
Vitamin C 225 mg 2368.35 mg 281.3%
Citrulline malate (1: 1) 1250 mg 13157.5 mg **
AAKG (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate) 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Beta alanine 2000 mg 21052 mg **
Caffeine 150 mg 1578.9 mg **
Creatine mixture 2613 mg 27504.44 mg **
of which creatine 1500 mg 15789 mg **
L-tyrosine 300 mg 3157.8 mg **
* Reference intake of average adult (8400 kj/ 2000 kcal)
** RI not specified
Black Blood NOX Complex 55.5% [L-arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, beta-alanine, citrulline malate (L-citrulline, malic acid)], Creatine Complex 27.5% [micronized creatine monohydrate, buffered creatine (micronized creatine monohydrate) , magnesium oxide), creatine citrate (micronized creatine monohydrate, calcium salts of citric acid)], thickener (xanthan gum), L-tyrosine, anti-caking agents (magnesium salts of fatty acids, silica), L-ascorbic acid, flavors, caffeine 1 , 57%, sweeteners (acesulfame K, sucralose), Vitamin B Complex (nicotinic acid, thiamine mononitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride), colorant (E102, E129).
Allergen Information
It does not contain allergens.

Keep in a cool, dry place under 25 °C, out of reach of children. Not suitable for children, for pregnant women, for nursing women. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Buying options

BioTech USA Black Blood NOX+ 19 g
Contains 2 servings
Unit price (131,58 € / kg)
In stock
Best rated flavour 4.5
In stock
Tropical fruits
In stock - only few items left
BioTech USA Black Blood NOX+ 20 g
Contains 2 servings
Unit price (110,00 € / kg)
Bloody orange
In stock
Backorder - 2 to 5 days
Tropical fruits
Backorder - 2 to 5 days
BioTech USA Black Blood NOX+ 340 g
Contains 34 servings
Unit price (102,65 € / kg)
Bloody orange
In stock - only few items left
In stock - only few items left
Best rated flavour 4.5
In stock
Tropical fruits
In stock
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