Zing Anything
Citrus Zinger Original 820 ml
Sour makes you smile—especially with the new Citrus Zinger. Designed specifically for citrus fruits of all kinds, it’s perfect for lemons, limes, oranges, or mandarins—whatever you prefer! The Citrus Zinger offers a simple way to juice citrus fruits directly into your bottle, blending them seamlessly with water for a refreshing drink. Ideal for life on the go, whether you're at work, school, or hitting the gym, the Citrus Zinger is your perfect hydration companion. Enjoy the natural goodness of citrus fruits and the taste of sunshine in every sip!
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Zing Anything Citrus Zinger Original - citrus juicing bottle
Sour makes you smile—especially with the new Citrus Zinger. Designed specifically for citrus fruits of all kinds, it’s perfect for lemons, limes, oranges, or mandarins—whatever you prefer! The Citrus Zinger offers a simple way to juice citrus fruits directly into your bottle, blending them seamlessly with water for a refreshing drink. Ideal for life on the go, whether you're at work, school, or hitting the gym, the Citrus Zinger is your perfect hydration companion. Enjoy the natural goodness of citrus fruits and the taste of sunshine in every sip!
- Convenient on-the-go bottle with a specially designed lid
- Easy filling, even with ice, thanks to the large opening at the bottom
- Made from eco-friendly Tritan plastic by Eastman, free from harmful BPA/EA
- Easy to clean and reusable
- Suitable for carbonated mineral waters
Using the Citrus Zinger
The Citrus Zinger is easy to use, simple to clean, and perfect for creating delicious and creative flavor combinations.
Unscrew the bottom part of the bottle and place it upside down on a table. Cut a lemon or another citrus fruit in half and squeeze it directly into the bottle using the built-in juicer. Screw the bottom part back on and flip the bottle upright. Finally, add water, screw on the lid, and shake well. Enjoy your refreshing drink!
Cleaning and Reuse
We recommend storing your prepared drink in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. At room temperature, it will stay fresh for up to 12 hours. One portion of citrus can be used for two refills of water, but for the second infusion, let it sit longer to enhance the flavor. Before reusing, thoroughly clean your Citrus Zinger. It is dishwasher-safe for easy maintenance.